Monday, November 29, 2010

Making choices

I am getting geared up to do Holidailies again and figure I should start flexing my writing muscle by writing every day. It is hard to squeeze in the time to write, to try to formulate the words so they are more coherent and to ward off the editing bug that makes me delete posts after writing them out.

We just returned from a trip to Edmonton and while it is lovely to be back home, amongst routine and comforting things, I feel a bit sad to disconnect from a world where I have people to visit with and places to go.

In the next little while we have to make big decisions and I don't know that I am ready to commit to them but I know that there will never truly be a time when I feel 100% ready to do things and sometimes we just have to bite the bullet and jump in with both feet.

I remember a time when I was younger that I would do just that and the exhilaration and fear that would accompany big (and sometimes rash) choices was part of what made life worth living. But I have other considerations now and feel more than a little anxious about making any decisions, never mind life altering ones.

1. Stay.
(which then begs the question: work or not and if the answer is work, then: where?)
2. Go
(which of course means, buying, selling, packing, moving; also, working? where?)

Each big decision leads to more decisions and each question doesnt just have an answer, it opens a path in a completely different direction and brings up more questions to have to find answers to.

It doesn't help that the decision I want to make is fraught with people who think that it is their place to tell us whether our decision is a good one or not. Cant they see that I am having a hard enough time making a decision without their input (which is usually one sided and can not take everything into consideration) Giving support is one thing, being told that every choice we make is the wrong one is NOT supportive.


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