Sunday, November 12, 2006


Well, if you didn't know yet, we have NEWS!!!

pregnancy week by week

I am huge, look like I am well over 4 months along. I had to tell people at work quite early (8-9 weeks) simply becuase I couldnt wear any normal clothes and well, maternity clothes always *look* like maternity clothes. LOL

Two out of three of my classes know and the other class I think is just too polite to ask whether or not I am just getting fat. Still, I can't complain. I had horrible bouts of exhaustion in the first few weeks of the pregnancy but now I am moving out of the ever-tired phase and seem to have more energy (and nesting instinct!) to do all sorts of non-school related tasks, like baking cinnamon buns, shovelling the walk and building snowmen with the kids. Yeah, yeah, before you freak out about the fact that I am shovelling snow, it is light fluffy snow! Hardly weighs anything at all! It is less of a work out than walking up the stairs somedays.

It is just past midterm week and first report card marks are due on Tuesday, so things are hitting a bit of a stress level. Mostly, I have my marking under control, despite all the procrastination, and I have a start on the things I need to have done for Christmas so I guess stress is rather relative.

Name for the baby in utero is still under discussion. Julia was Bean, Elena was Peanut, and people have been bugging me about the fact that I am so big it looks like I could be carrying twins, I've taken to calling the baby "Whale" but I think that it might incite some sort of complex, you know?

Any suggestions?

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