Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Last days of summer

Summer is coming to a close and the days have been lovely--hot and filled with jumping on trampolines, swinging on the swing set and other summertime indulgences. But around the corner, like a lurking enticement, is the promise of school.

I am feeling a bit in limbo right now, the back to school flyers have hit the mailbox and all the assorted commercial trappings that go along with returning to the grind. Execept that this September I am not. And it feels both a relief and a disappointment. Yes, I miss the hustle of line ups waiting to pay for highliters and scribblers. But I also miss the fresh faces, the blank paper, the sharpened pencils that only occur in the first shine of back to school classes. When I return to school in January, that shine will have long worn off. Thge delight of sharing a class with good friends will have faded and the anticipation of a fresh start will have given way to the tired pessimism of teenage angst.

Julia begins kindergarten this September. I am not quite ready for her to be growing up and yet I know that time will not cease for me. She is excited, her backpack and back to school outfit are already laid out. Elena is anticipating this as well, asking every day if she will also get to go to school. I dont have the heart to tell her that I dont think that it will work ot for her to attend preschool if we dont find one closer than way across town.

Jacob is charming at 3 months--he is able to grab toys that hang nearby and is desperatel;y trying to crawl. He inchworms along and it is painful and awesome all at the same time. He is now able to roll from his belly to his back and so proud of his ability to do so! It's too fast! I wanted a little lump of a baby to cuddle and play with. Instead I get an overachieving kid. Who knew?

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