Sunday, November 07, 2010

Where did 2010 go?

I cant believe that it has been almost a full year since I last posted. In some ways I can think of many places that I have let my thoughts disappear into (Crackbook, ahem, I mean, Facebook) despite the lack of scope that FB offers and the unpleasant realities of the inevitable disconnect that is covered with the facade of making connections with people in real life. I mean, if I read your status and look at your pictures, I know what is going on in your life, right? So why should I bother to email or give you a call and ask what the hell you've been up to? I am not a pot calling the kettle black, I am in the belly of the beast and am so guilty it isnt even funny.

Still, a whole year of missing out on the small minutae that is blogging seems like an utter shame.

I can say this with ultimate certainty. 2010 was one of the hard ones. Not as hard as 2009 but the recovery from that year has spilled over into this one and I am still clawing the walls trying to keep on trucking.

It is tempting to try to cast back and recapture some of the moments of the year so they arent lost forever but I am unsure how ready I am for that quite yet. Perhaps it will have to come piecemeal, as I plow ahead into the upcoming year and brace myself for more challenges and more uncertainty.

I know that, as I sit here, watching my baby girl stretch in the classic home run repose, arms stretched overhead, legs stretching straight out and then resettling back into peaceful slumber, that I am in a better place than I was in the last post I made and I am so so thankful for that.

And so it goes...

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