Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Holidailies: Thankful

"Somedays, we forget to look around us,
Somedays, we can't see the joy that surrounds us,
so caught up inside ourselves,
we take when we should give,
so for tonight we pray for,
what we know can be,
and on this day we hope for,
what we still can't see,
It's up to us, to be the change,"

I got up this morning and painted. There is something to be said for the calm tranquility of mornings, even ones that come after restless nights with fussing babies. It is that moment when the world is just starting to rouse, the kids trudge sleepily from their beds, stumble down to the breakfast table and mumble under their breaths. It is the moment of soft milk mouths and warm little bodies, snuggled up blankets and fluttering eyes.

As I set up the paints it felt good to feel the colours fold gently against one another, to hear the rustle of the paper, the softness of the brush.

"and even though we all can still do more,
there's so much to be thankful for,
look beyond ourselves,
there's so much sorrow,
it's way to late to say, I'll cry tomorrow
each of us must find our truth,
it's so long overdue,
so for tonight we pray for,
what we know can be,"

I have come to some epiphanies lately and uncertain as things may feel, I also feel more centered, more aware of my own intention and filled with expectation for what lies ahead. As a type A personality, being in a state of flux is unsettling but I know that what I am setting out to do is important.

"and everyday, we hope for,
what we still can't see,
it's up to us, to be the change,
and even though we all can still do more,
there's so much to be thankful for,
even with our differences,
there is a place WE'RE all connected,"

I am thankful for the outreach of help, the small tenderness's of the morning, the anticipation of progress, the setting of new goals

"each of us can find each others light,
So for tonight, we pray for
what we know can be,
and on this day, we hope for,
what we still can't see,
it's up to us, to be the change,
and even though this world needs so much more
there's so much to be thankful for"

And so I throw this feeling out into the great beyond, hoping that it casts its net forward and captures other people along the way. There is today I have to deal with. But, as each paint stroke on the paper reveals the painting I didnt know I was creating until it was done, so too is this moment showing me what I am capable of and what lies ahead.

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