Sunday, December 18, 2005

Holidailies: What Child Is This?

"What Child Is this..."

I am adjusting to a new life here at home. One that is less messy and less work. No, I didn't get a maid, I got a potty trained kid!!! For those who don't have kids, you will never know the thrill of pee hitting the potty is unmatched when its a new skill. Yes, it's that exciting.

Along with the potty training, though, my girl seems so much older and more girl-ish. Her sentences make sense, she babbles less using nonsensical words and when she sings a song (either to me or to herself) more often than not, I can actually understand it. She has learned things from school that I havent taught her--vocabulary, humour, organizational tings. It's like I suddenly have a new kid in the house and it is wonderful.

No one told me that things would change so quickly. That one day I would have a child who is dependant on me to keep her clean and fed and dressed, and the next thing I know she can clean herself, get her own food and choose clothes of her own accord. It baffles me most moments but all I am capable of in my shock is holdingon as I go along for the ride.

She still needs me for hugs and kisses, she still likes to snuggle over tea (yes, perhaps it is odd that she asks for tea, but there it is) and she still needs me to tuck her into bed with stories; a respite from the frantic growing up of the days.

"Raise, raise the song on high..."

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